Thursday, May 3, 2012


Hi My name is C@ and I’m a POAS’aholic…. How many sticks have you pee’d on???? I’ve probably spent about $100 on PG tests in the last month and I can’t stop! At least I’m not spending money on clothes but seriously how much do these things cost? U have to pay $20 to pee on a piece of plastic ??? SO I decided screw all this I’m gonna buy internet sticks that only cost $17 for a pack of 25 !!! WTH how are these companies in business still???? I don’t need a fancy plastic case I just want the frickin thing to have two lines!

And have you ever stood in front of the bathroom light or daylight and squinted at this damn test?? And then of course you see an imaginary line and freak out, wake your DH up to ask him if he sees a line, get into a fight when he says he doesn’t see one and then you stare at it some more, throw it in the garbage and then rumage through the garbage hours later to make sure it was negative.. There is a website ladies that you can vote on other ppls pg tests!! Yes I shit you not it is out there! You upload your pee test and put ur dpo info and a little note and put it up for voting… you only get two options for voting… Positive or Negative, go figure.  So I decided to check out the photos under the “unsure” category. I found myself for 2 hrs voting on ppls pee sticks! I know I’m such a loser. You can click an invert button and it will change the photo to a negative style photo that will point out the line a little clearer..

OK so I have to confess.. I put mine up there to see what ppl thought and it was fun! But also very very addicting.. So addicting in fact I told my co-worker I would not buy a digital test because I enjoyed putting the test up on this site and enjoyed the game of “is there a line or isn’t there?”  And if I bought the test and it said “not pregnant” that’s where it ended and I would have to just move on. I realized how pathetic that sounded right after it came out of my mouth and my co-worker agreed.

So I’m voting on the “unsure” category and lots of them were light or not even close (like mine) and then there were some that were clearly positive and I’m like seriously!!!???  You have two lines that are so obvious and you still want ppl to tell you it’s positive??? I showed my DH and went off on a rant about how it was shoving it in ppls faces and that they just want to boast.. At this point I realize maybbbeeee I should just walk away from the laptop and go to bed.