Friday, April 20, 2012


All my life I’ve had what I like to call my “gremlin stage”. I have fond memories of family trips and being in Kmart for hours with my mother and becoming extremely irrational and uncontrollable (basically a mini bitch) if I didn’t eat anything for 3 hours or more. My mom always knew if I was hungry cause I would act like this… The problem is I never got checked out for it, the “rents” just thought it was the Scottish in me clashing with the extremely violent and warlike Carib people (don’t know what that is? Open another tab and Google Caribs/ Amerindians and the Caribbean) they just figured I really needed food to fuel my “oh so fab personality”! 

Well, that was all fine and dandy for my pre-pubescent stage but the minute I hit 13 the emotional crazy bitch with hormones arose! Insert the “dun dun dunnnnn!!!” sound anywhere here… On top of my weird “I need food to not be a bitch” I was also super crazy. Trust me my ex boyfriends and my current husband can confirm this, I was cray cray! I would just be in a fab great enthusiastic mood and then bam! Whamo! I was pissy! We’re talking gremlin and for those who are still younger than me and never seen that movie from the late 80’s I was “Exorcism of Emily Rose” crazy.

I have no idea how my present hubby stuck with me I was such a crazy moody nasty possessed with the devil chick to him and he stuck it out with me all the way for about 6 years!

I always knew there was something wrong with me and so did my mom. So when I was shipped up to Canada from the Caribbean for school and all I wanted to do was sleep for hours and gained a s#!t ton of weight my mother was convinced I had diabetes.

So blood tests had to be done and this is around the time that I found out that my veins do not like to be poked by outside objects and bury themselves deep in my arm :S ouch!

Naturally the blood tests come back perfectly normal I do not have diabetes and everything is fine. “Oh well I guess she’s just lazy” I’m sure this is what my old creepy doctor and my parents were thinking. So I went on being crazy and spiraling out of emotional control for oh probably another 3 years before I finally decided to take control of it and see another doctor.

By this time I’d moved 5 hrs away from my old doctor and went in with a little more maturity and knowledge. I told him my libido was next to nothing, and I think I may be hypoglycemic and went on to explain my “gremlin stage”.  He was a pretty young new doctor and thank goodness for that because he started listing off possible issues and tests he was going to have done including ultra sounds and. Ick, blood work. He explained to me that the hormones could be all off whack from a simple faulty fallopian tube or something else in my brain.

Fast forward to the test results after getting 15 viles of blood (I’m not even kidding), my young doctor tells me “oh you have multiple amounts of cysts in your uterus. This could be what is causing your blood sugar levels to drop and affect your personality when you haven’t eaten.”

So there you have it I didn’t get the name of the issue he did not go into detail about how difficult it would be to get prego he just said I had cysts and he would wait for my blood tests to see if I needed Metphormin and he would refer me to a gyno.

So the hypochondriac in me decided to Google Metphormin .  Naturally you can imagine any obsessive person would start buying books and driving herself nuts waiting for the blood work. My blood work FINALLY came back and my young new doctor told me all my levels were normal so he would not give me metphormin and I could only get it through a gyno and she was in the city 2 hrs away from me and I was told she was booked solid for months!

I’m not gonna bore you with the drama I went through getting to see that gyno let’s just say I waited for 8 months when I could’ve seen her a month after that doctor appointment! Anyway I started my Metphormin journey in October of 2011 and started seeing regular periods and being normal and level headed in December 2011 yay! 

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