Sunday, April 22, 2012


 (sensory alert you may want to remove your husband from the room incase he accidentally reads this)

People are always being sympathetic about the fact that I had maybe 3 periods a year and I have quite a few friends that have the same "problem" but.. what the heck.. there's always a positive side to things and these were just some ideas ;)

You can have lotsa sex!!!!
Well… only if you want to… There are some men out there that make their GF or Wife or both (evil laugh) “go down” on them when they are closed for servicing… PCOS alleviates this issue J Cause we never close!!!

Save money on tampons and all that fun stuff.
They have coalitions for lower hydro bills and groups that protest the HST blah blah blah (it’s a Canadian thing Google it). Why the heck isn’t someone complaining about the cost of tampons!!! I mean come on for a pack that will last most PCOS girls maybe half their cycle for the good ones it’s 8 bucks! So to have my period I need to spend 20 bucks after taxes on some cotton that has been shoved into a plastic applicator that has some sharp edges that can really hurt the “you know what” area! PLUS! Most of us PCOS bitches have to use a combo deal of maxi’s and tampons!!! That shiznit be expensive!!!

More money in the “I need chocolate” fund and less money spent on “I feel fat pants”
Every girl has those pants and has to wear them around the time of the month that we retain the most water. And of course there are Chocoholics out there with chocolate smeared all over their faces at this very moment saying “those PCOS bitches are so lucky!!!” But having PCOS can cause crazy-sweet-toothitis and it reeks havoc on our blood sugar not to mention makes my ass the size of Lake Superior

We can avoid those tacky “aunt flo” comments from our hubbies, partners, family friends etc
Ugh I hate that stupid analogy of “aunt flo” coming to stay… seriously just say you’re on ur freakin period! And when you DH (dear husband) complains you can just tell him “ ya that’s right there is nothing actually causing me to be a pain… I just wanna be one so go and get me a Rollo Mcflurry with extra hot fudge because it’s freakin hot outside not because my “aunt flo” wants one!

None of those tampon string mishaps or leaking maxi pads mistakes 
I don’t care how diligent you are we all have these horribly embarrassing things happen.. I have never had the tampon string mishap but I’ve seen it... It’s mostly in the pool or at the beach where unfortunately it’s the time of the month but we still wanna go for a dip but we don’t check to make sure the eject string is hidden!!! EMBARASSING! And of course if you don’t get to a bathroom or forget a backup cleaning up those stains or hiding them can make you feel oh so sexy!

Sensory alert!

 I’m gonna end with this icky disgusting story of a hot tub mishap so if you're a queasy person don't read this! We were at a hotel in the city and were in the hot tub having a relaxing evening. A young woman came by with her family and she entered the hot tub. We continued our conversation and thought nothing of it. I got hot so decided to sit along side of the hot tub and the young woman did as well. Well I guess her small child needed her so she got up and went to the pool. I just happened to look down at where she was sitting and … well… lets just say it was not just pool water puddle on the floor.
 My reaction was “oh my God. Oh my God. Insert husband’s name here, get out of the water! Get out of the water!” My DH jumped out and had a curious look on his face. I pointed it out quietly and he proceeded to run to the bathroom and throw up... Moral of the story ladies… You better check yo-self before you wreck yo-self!

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